Curious about why we should stop buying bottled water? I am reconsidering my water source... here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Stop Buying Bottled Water.

Why We Should Stop Buying Bottled Water

I have always preferred to use my own water bottle and refill it with filtered water at my house versus buying bottled water.

There are so many reasons I skip buying bottled water. Here are just a few...
5 Reasons Why You Should Stop Buying Bottled Water
Americans purchase half a billion bottles of water per week. Very few of those bottles are actually recycled and most end up in the landfill or worse yet our oceans. It is too much waste for our planet to handle. And due to how long it takes plastic to decay, those plastic bottles will be around for hundreds of years.
My reusable water bottle holds 32 ounces of water and I drink it twice a day. It would take me 4-6 plastic bottles A DAY to drink that much using disposable bottles. That's around 1,500 bottles a year that aren't going into the dump just from me!
I try hard to make good environmental decisions, and this is one simple way I can make a difference.
While there are some serious issues with tap water in a few cities and isolated areas around the country (In which case I totally understand buying bottled water,) most tap water is good. If you have any specific concerns you can check with your city water authority or have your water tested.
I've drank tap water my entire life. Filtered tap water usually tastes just as good or better than bottled water. Try a blind taste test. I can almost guarantee you can't tell a difference or you pick the water filtered at home.
Using GE Water Filters is the perfect way to get the healthiest water at home. Their filters remove harmful contaminants that may be in your tap water and helps improve the taste. They also remove minerals and hard deposits for fresher, clearer water.
I have an in-fridge water filter, but GE Appliances also has filters for your entire house, a single sink or even for your Keurig. There is a good option for everyone. The money you save on all those disposable bottles can easily go towards a nice quality, easy to use filter.
It is so much easier to drink a lot of water during the day if you have easy access to it. Buying a BIG water bottle and carrying it with me is key to me actually keeping up with drinking my water. If I was constantly going through small, flimsy plastic bottles there is no way I would keep up. This water bottle helps me stay healthy.
Bottled water costs 300 to 2000 times more than tap water. That markup is insane. I wouldn't put up with that kind of gouging with any other type of purchase, so why this?
Buying a good quality GE water filter is very affordable. One refrigerator filter costs between $45-$55 dollars and lasts 6 months. When you consider how much you save from buying bottled water, it's the best deal out there.
We are all busy. I know I don't have time to buy and lug around giant cases of water. Sometimes those cases are even too heavy for me to pick up. It is much more convenient to get my water at home and keep it with me. Plus there is nothing simpler than filling up with filtered water from my GE Water Filter already built into my fridge!
National Water Day
This post is in honor of National Water Day, which is today! Drink up and consider buying a GE Water Filter the next time you are at the store.
Want more water tips? Check out my 6 Ways to Actually Drink More Water.
Thanks for stopping by today! Come back tomorrow for easy ways to make running a habit... even when it seems really, really hard.
I’m linking this post with Jill Conyers for Fitness Friday, Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursday, and Annmarie for Wild Workout Wednesday.
Your turn!
Do you use a refillable bottle or water or buy bottled water?
Which type of GE Water Filter would you use the most? Leave a comment below to be entered to win a $100 Visa gift card!
David says
You really give me 5 great reasons to stop buying bottled water. Thank you!
Andy says
Bottled water really affects our body very badly that's the main reason. It contains lot of chemicals in it.
According to mine experience, I would highly recommend glass water bottles for the daily use.
GouldKaty says
I am a big fan of a refillable water bottle and I panic a little when I travel for business about access to additional water to refill my bottle. New plan of action includes refillable water bottle and a gallon jug of water for travel. Ah..ha!
JulieWunder says
Haha! I feel ya!
Rosie says
I keep a big glass near the sink / refrigerator, and I keep water icy cold in the refrigerator. I totally gave up diet soda, and having this refreshingly cold water is wonderful!
Ellen Casper says
Ellen Casper says
I use a refillable water bottle and I would use the GE Reverse Osmosis
Mita says
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Mita says
We use Brita water pitcher.
Whitney Bellows says
I sent out a tweet:
Whitney Bellows says
We buy bottled water for when we are "on the go" but we have a refillable Brita dispenser for home. I would try a GE water filter though!
Bert Ruiz says
tweet entry
Bert Ruiz says
My kids use water bottles but we still have bottled water cases at home in case they are needed
Rebecca says
Rebecca says
I have a Brita water pitcher, and it really tastes good. I like to drink lots of water to stay hydrated!
Annette says
Annette says
I buy bottled water (the gallon size), because my tap water is awful. I've been thinking of buying something to filter it.
Linda C says
Linda C says
We use refillable bottles.
angie says
I tweeted here:
angie says
Well, to be honest, there are no filters GE currently offers that I would use because I don't have a fancy fridge or coffee maker and can't afford a whole house unit. I prefer to use things like Brita pitchers/fridge tanks for this very reason. That said, if money were no object, I would LOVE to have a whole house reverse osmosis unit! 😀
Tabathia B says
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B says
I would prefer a ge filtered water bottle or one that filters tap water
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Claire says
I buy bottled water because I'm suspicious of the tap here.
sheila austin says
I use filtered water and carry my water bottle around with me all the time. My kids make fun of me for it. 🙂
Shawn Gallagher says
Shawn Gallagher says
Generally tap, and Id use the GE Reverse Osmosis!
Sarah L says
Sarah L says
I use a Brita pitcher with a filter. I always have water within reach and drink it all day. No sodas for me.
Thanks for the contest.
Faith J. says
2nd entry
Faith J. says
We usually buy bottled water and I can see myself using the MWF / MWFA refrigerator and freezer ice making filter!
Thomas Murphy says
Thomas Murphy says
I use a refillable bottle. I would use the GE Reverse Osmosis filter.
Tina W says
Tina W says
We do reusable bottles about 90% of the time but I also keep a rotating stock of gallon jugs of water in our earthquake/emergency kit.
Ellie Wright says
Ellie Wright says
I buy bottled water, but i would love to change that and get a water filter. The GE MWF/MWFA water filter would be great.
Stephanie Phelps says
I tweeted
Stephanie Phelps says
I have a water bottle I refill and I would use the
The MSWF filter is found in GE side-by-side and french-door refrigerators.
Kerry says
Betty C says
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Betty C says
I rarely buy bottled water. I have a filtration pitcher and often just drink water straight from the tap as well.
Erika W. says
I shared on Twitter:
Erika W. says
I would use the GSWF filter in my freezer the most.
Tarissa says
Tarissa says
We buy bottled water to use for the work day, but we also benefit from the water system in our refrigerator. If I got a GE refrigerator, I would want the water filter system in it too!
pixelberrypie at yahoo dot com
Starla B says
I tweeted!
Starla B says
Currently we use a sink filtration system and I also buy bottles for when I am on the go and can't use my regular water bottle. I try to buy the least amount of plastic bottles that I have to! When I am not in an absolute rush or some other ordeal I like to use my refillable bottle- I hate to waste!
starla.bates ATyahooDOTcom
Kerry says
We would use the fridge filter the most.
Wanda McHenry says
Wanda McHenry says
I buy bottles for drinking, but our refrigerator has filtered water that I use for the dog and cooking. I would use the GE® Single Stage Drinking Water Filtration System if I'd go that way.
Angel Jacklyn says
Angel Jacklyn says
Would love to try the Reverse Osmosis one, but we use our tap usually!
Farrah says - tweeted! :]
Mary Jean Henson says
I carry a water bottle everywhere. My GE fridge has a filter system that works great. I never buy the bottles anymore.
Lynne says
The only way to go is refillable, boa free water bottle!!
Henria O. says
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Henria O. says
We would try the GE Reverse Osmosis filter.
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Denise L says
tweeted -
Denise L says
Always refillable bottle for me! My city has really good tap water.
Elizabeth elliott says
Elizabeth elliott says
THe kuerig looks interesting. nice filters
Cynthia C says
I have well water that has lots of iron and minerals and would love to have a whole-house GE® HOUSEHOLD PRE-FILTRATION SYSTEM PLUS FILTER system.
maria cantu says
We use a refillable bottle.
Linda C says
Linda C says
I need to get out of buying bottles water, I'm ready to switch!
Dana Rodriguez says
Dana Rodriguez says
I use a refillable bottle and use a filter in our fridge for my water as we have well water and it is not very good. My to go to reusable bottle is my Glasstic.
Elle says
Elle says
While I always recycle them, I do buy bottled water bottles and have cases of them in my house although I probably shouldn't. I would like a GE filter for my kitchen sink.
Allison Swain says
Cheryl B says
Allison Swain says
I would use the MSWF filter the most
Thank you for the chance to win!
Cheryl B says
I use a reusable water bottle each day. I would be interested in the GE water filter.
Barbara M says
Barbara M says
I might get the MSWF filter.
I like the six-month filter life.
And I haven't been buying bottled water in ages.
thank you
sandra says
we may use the GE® Keurig® Coffee Maker Water Filter
Aliah says
Happy National Water Day! I can't remember the last time I bought a water bottle unless we are entertaining. You brought up so many important points and reminded me to order a new filter.
glenneth says
i actually use both. i have a huge hydroflask for work, but use a water bottle at the gym (fits in the cup holders better). i will say that i refill my disposable water bottles a few times before throwing them away.
Michelle @ Lively Chicken says
I also have a water bottle that I carry with me everywhere. It took me a while to persuade my boyfriend to get one too, but now we never by water. It's great!
Christina Bauer says
Christina Bauer says
There's also the health issue of drinking water from plastic that isn't safe, which most packaged water bottles fall victim to. I have a refillable water bottle dedicated to my office and one dedicated to take everywhere with me. At home, I just use a glass 🙂 I can't remember the last time I bought prepackaged water!
CR Williams says
CR Williams says
I usually buy bottles water. I am not sure which types would be better I am just so use to buying bottled water.
Rebecca Graham says
Rebecca Graham says
I would try the GE Reverse Osmosis filter.
Terri says
I have an insulated water bottle that I keep with me most of the time. I fill it from the filtered water pitcher in the fridge. In the near future, I think I'd use the GE Reverse Osmosis filter the most. I hope to try it some time soon.
Terri says
Susan Smith says
Susan Smith says
We use filtered water. It's important for my family to drink healthy water.
Ivanna says
Ivanna says
I can't live without my reusable bottle and I feel guilty purchasing bottled water. I really have to be in a pinch or wanting to try a ph balanced one or something like that. You also save a ton of money using a filter. The water filters by GE are awesome. I'd use any of them to help save the environment!
Tina m says
Tina m says
we buy bottled water. I would love buying a GE Water Filter .
Madeline says
Tweet link:
Madeline says
I have a glass water bottle that I refill for work. I'd probably use the GE® Dual Stage Drinking Water Replacement Filter (VOC).
Nicole says
I actually do both. I try to keep a refillable water bottle with me at all times, but I also keep a case of water in my case just in case.
Anne says
I shared your interesting blog post and the GE giveaway on Twitter:
Thank you!
Anne says
We rent a house, and the GE Household Sediment Water Filters help a lot with the water quality here. My refillable glass water bottle has a nice silicone sleeve, so I can use it a lot and not worry about breaking it. Love it!
Robin M. says
We do a combination of tap water and bottled water. I would love a whole house filter though.
Marilyn says
Love my GE refridgerator filter!! 🙂
Alisa @ Go Dairy Free says
These are such excellent points! I do try to use a refillable water bottle when out and about! It really does taste better.
OFG says
OFG says
I use an insulate bottle from BObble.
Erika says
Where I live has some of the best water quality in the country, so we're told, so we always drink tap. My husband carries a reusable bottle to work every day.
Sonn says
posted on twitter-
Sonn says
Reverse osmosis filters are convenient
Kristy Hale says
I always have my water bottle with me. In would be lost without it.
sher says
sher says
I would sure like a whole house RO filter if GE makes one
rachel says
Their reverse osmosis one would be awesome!
Gail Brookshire says
I not educated in the filters, but would love to try one. Drinking water at our house makes every one sick, we buy bottled. When the Lord allows the money and opportunity, I will research to try to improve our water and our health. God loves you!
julie says
i use refillable waters
Kelly D says
Kelly D says
I use a refillable bottle, since our well water is good. I think I would use the Whole Home filter the most.
Stefanie Gladden says
Stefanie Gladden says
jill conyers says
I use a refillable water bottle (my whole family does) and unless we're traveling I don't buy bottled water.
Kristen says
Kristen says
I mostly drink tap water. I'd like having a fridge that dispensed filtered water.
Mimi says
I thought I was the only person who did this! It all began with my father would distill then chill the water. I now re-use glass Voss bottles (large and small), an Eva Solo silver 'flask' bottle and a Starbucks travel tumblr.
Lisa Brown says
Lisa Brown says
I use a filter system that is fitted under the sink for the refrigerator, kitchen, and general household use. I would try the GE Universal Shower Filtration System.
Mimi says
I thought I was the only person who did this 🙂 It all began with my Father would distil then chill the water. I now re-use Voss glass bottles, an Eva Solo flask (great for keeping things cold) and Starbucks tumblers!
Mami2jcn says
Mami2jcn says
I drink bottled water.
Jessie C. says
Jessie C. says
We use refillable bottles. I would use MSWF the most.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
marybeth i says
We use reusable bottles unless in a pinch or on the road. I find I drink more water using my own water bottle too
Margaret Smith says
Thanks again.
Margaret Smith says
We use plastic water bottles and we also use refillable bottles. Thanks so much.
Tracey byram says
I buy bottled water weekly
Jeffrey says
I shared on Twitter:
Jeffrey says
As a distance runner I drink a lot of water, over a gallon a day. Steering away from bottled water has never been very difficult for me, especially from a cost standpoint. We have a GE refrigerator with an integrated filtration system. The filters aren't cheap but compared to bottled water its a huge savings.
Cailee says
I always carry around a water bottle or cup that's reusable! I can't go anywhere without it! Recently I got a glass one! Thanks for the information girl! Hope that you have a great long weekend and a happy Easter!
xoxo Cailee!
Kelsey Preciado says
Love this! I have learned over the years the best way for me to drink the most water is for it to be room temperature and out of a straw!! Kind of weird but i can chug it that way!!
Megan says
Megan says
We have a Maytag refrigerator that has a built in filter and we use a Culligan tank at work. I always have a water bottle at my desk. I would love a GE Reverse Osmosis filter on my kitchen sink, though!
Megan says
We have a Maytag refrigerator that has a built in filter. I would really like a GE Reverse Osmosis filter for our kitchen sink, though.
Liz says
I always carry around a big Nalgene with me, whether I'm hiking or in the office 🙂 About the only time I ever buy bottled water is if I'm treating myself to some sparkling water like San Pellegrino since you just can't replicate that at home. Otherwise it's filtered water from the tap for me!
Cassi says
I used to use a Brita filter pitcher but stopped several years ago (still have the pitcher but no filters). At work we have water service.
Jaime says
I keep a water bottle with me, especially at work and the gym. We tend to buy bottled water when we are traveling, but we have filtered water at home (and our tap water really isn't bad.)
Amy Tong says
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Amy Tong says
Great information and I totally agree! I use the GE GSWF filter for my fridge! Love it and my water always tastes great. 🙂
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Toughcookiemommy says
Our younger son is constantly saying that certain brands of bottled water have a funny taste. I suppose that he has always known this better than most people.
Rene Baron says
I use the water filter in my refrigerator. But, I can drink tap water as well.
Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating says
The water filter in the refrigerator would be so useful! We hardly ever buy bottled water at my house.
Jessica To says
I would use the refrigerator filter.
latanya says
latanya says
at work we have filtered water and at home we buy bottled water
Jen V says
I use a refillable water bottle all the time and fill it from the filter on our sink.
Kristi says
I would love to have one in my fridge because I do buy too many bottles!
Emily says
We don't buy them really often, as we have a well, but we do buy them sometimes. I should actually carry one with me more, because I do want to be better at taking dominion of God's world.
Sarah @ BucketListTummy says
I never buy bottled waters. Reusable all the way. I love my brita filter too!
kelly says
I would love to have the GE water filter in a refrigerator. Even ice tastes better when filtered. Due to health issues I can no longer lift cases of water. This would be so appreciated every day.
Shelley Marcy says
Hydration not only helps us feel good on the inside, but helps us maintain and look good on the outside too. If you can't seem to just drink plain old water, there are some great and healthy flavor adds nowadays to help your water to be more palatable. I go both ways.....
Michele says
I rarely buy bottled water--but I do let my tap water sit in my freezer or refrigerator and that bad taste seems to evaporate.
paige c says
the keurig water filter would be great to have!
Lindsay Underwood says
I officially stopped buying water bottles about a year ago. Honestly, it was just too much money and SO terrible for the environment. Now I buy fun reusable bottles that I can carry everywhere.
Ave Taar says
I'd prefer to save the environment and my money, but sadly the tap water here is not potable. I really do miss Estonia with all that great water that comes from our own well.
JulieWunder says
No judgement there! You have to do what is safe!
Kaitlyn F says
I recently received a water bottle from Tiger Corporations and I LOVE it. Although it's not as big as I would like (.5 L), it keeps my water cold all day! Drinking from a refillable water bottle definitely makes me feel better about my choices (saving the environment and being healthy!).
Liz Mays says
I'm guilty of buying too many disposable water bottles. I get them when I travel, but I really should just bring a thermos and fill it in the airport.
Farrah says
Great post! For the sake of the environment and for saving money, I never buy bottled water and habe pretty much always just had tap water. :] I use a refillable water bottle! :]
Happy National Water Day!
Jessica says
I have a big water bottle I carry with me. I am guilty of having plastic bottles. I buy them for my shop to for when I forget my bottle but I've had the big case of water for a long time.
lacey@fairytalesandfitness says
We also have a GE water filter in our fridge. My only complaint is that it takes forever to fill up. There has to be a way to make it faster.I just don't know how. I thk it's great that most airports even have filtered water now so it's nice to fill up your water bottle rather than the water fountain.
Steph says
we use filtered water...we're kinda no-waste around these parts 😉
ashley d says
always a refillable water bottle. from the tap!
Mary Beth Jackson says
Funny timing on this post- ordering a new water filter for the frig is on my list of things to do this week! I take water with me daily! I hate it when you travel and places charge so much for water- it is crazy!
Christin says
Love this post 🙂 Honestly, I feel guilty when I buy bottled water. I'll buy fruit water when guests come over because all we drink is water and I feel like I have to offer something with flavor and I always feel bad because it's another wasteful water bottle. We are HUGE fans of hydro flask bottles. We have five bottles that we keep in the fridge and I do not go anywhere without one. I love them because they come in different sizes and colors and keep your water cold ALL day long. I have a water filter on the fridge door and a brita in the fridge. Love me a water bottle 🙂
Mandi Korn says
Great, inspirational post, we drink water from a filter in our fridge too. I have not bought bottled water in years, so I am glad that there are others out there very aware of the environmental consequences of that choice.
AER says
I use a reusable plastic bottle that I refill at least 2-3 times a day! I love filtered water, but hated throwing away plastic bottles, so now it's the best of both worlds!
Julie Wood says
Julie Wood says
I have a Brita Water picture and drink filtered water all the time! I want to get the GE MWF/MWFA water filter. I did not even realize they had these!
Neely says
We have a filter that we keep in the fridge as well as one on our sink!
heather says
I drink a lot of bottled water but I know I shouldn't be drinking out of plastic. I need to start drinking out of a glass container. I went to their site and we could sure use this filter in our house GE® Household Replacement Filter FXHSC.
Crystal Renaud says
Both my kids and I drink lots of water. We have our own refile water bottle but are also guilty about buying bottled water to have on hand as well. I love water!
Elena says
Elena says
I would get the GE Reverse Osmosis Filter
Becki S says
I love my Camelbak and couldn't imagine not having it by my side. I used to have the one with the filter but at least in my current city, tap water is great. I didn't realize it was national water day!
Natalie says
Natalie says
I am moving to a new condo and really want a GE water filter! I have a reusable water bottle and fill it up regularly. My workplace has a GE water filter and the water tastes amazing!
Edye says
I totally need to start carrying my own bottle more often! This post totally reminded me of to do that. Thanks 🙂
Edye // Gracefulcoffee
Dani @ Dani California Cooks says
When I travel for work, we always buy bottled water at the airport. I try and refill it throughout the week to avoid buying more water bottles! I really hate using all of that plastic..
Heather@hungryforbalance says
Heather@hungryforbalance says
I'm a big fan of water as well and ALWAYS have a water bottle with me! We have a Brits filter, but I'll have to check out GE's!
sheila austin says
I have city water and it taste terrible even using a Brita pitcher was not enough but I would be will to try a GE filter for my sink to see if that would help.
Judy Crowder says
You have just given me a great reason to start drinking more water. Thanks and great "seeing" you again!!!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
I definitely need to cut back on buying bottled water!
Runaway Bridal Planner says
I am guilty of buying bottled water. Yes I do carry a water bottle with me, I have one I love it keeps water ice cold for 24 hours even in the sun. I use it often. But when I travel, like last week I for some reason can't stand the taste of many hotel waters (It's probably all in my head) so yeah I bought a case of bottled water to refill my waterbottle with.
I haven't ever thought about buying a water filter, actually that is something that I really should look into for camping see if I can get one to attach to the trailer sink tap.
Andrea on Vacation says
I'm good about this- never buying bottled water. The exception is when I'm in a foreign country with no water filter and you cannot drink from the tap.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy says
I always use reusable bottles and it amazes me how many people still buy bottles and don't recycle them - it's having such a huge impact on the environment.
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner says
I know our water is safe to drink but it just doesn't taste very good to me. I have not tried a GE filter and I am curious about how that might change the taste.
Jennifer Caccamo says
My kids take a reusable water bottle to school. We would love to fill those bottles with a water filter for the sink.
Samantha Santy says
My mom still buys cases of bottled water for the house and I can't stand it! I am definitely one to fill one of my many bottles and drink from that throughout the day. The only bottled (or canned) water I buy is sparkling/seltzer water. I'm an addict.
Dan Steadman says
I use a refillable water bottle all the time (ok with the exception of at the end of a race when they give disposable water bottles (though I did run a race where they gave a refillable bottle full of water)...would use a filter for the sink,
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
I didn't realize or didn't recall that there was s National Water Day. We drink a ton of water in our house.
Linda says
I have an LG refrigerator and it does have a filter that we do keep replacing as needed. I drink the water when I'm home but I find the plastic 'take along' bottles have a really plastic after taste. I'm willing to buy a new one if anyone can give me a suggestion.
JulieWunder says
They make both stainless and glass (protected by a plastic cover) ones! One of those might work better for you. Mine is BPA free and doesn't seem to have a taste.
Beverly Moore says
I use a refillable water bottle.
Heather @Fitncookies says
Heather @Fitncookies says
My husband and I were just looking into getting a filter to put under the sink right onto the water line!
Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says
We have filtered water bottles at home, but still end up buying the cases of plastic ones when we travel because they are easier.
Mary Jean Henson says
I have a GE water filter! Love it! I have used filtered, tap water for years!
Jess @ run pink says
We have well water where we live and it tastes so much better than anything else!!! I'm a huge h20 fan. I'm also a fan of not spending money so I have my trusty sparkly pink Nalgene with me everywhere I go. I think my husband would say the same about me. 😉
Allison Bosco says
I always use filtered water and a reusable water bottle. I'm going to do my best not to leave that mark on this beautiful world!
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
i honestly don't know when the last time that I bought a bottle of water was. I'm pretty much a stickler for the reusable bottles!
Lecia Greenway says
I have a GE water filter. It is MWF/MWRA. I love going to the refrigerator and being able to get fresh water straight in my water bottle. I love the YETI! My water stays cold all day!
Tina Honeycutt says
I buy bottled water, but now I am seriously considering a GE water filter. It just makes sense!!
Blane Sherer says
Happy National Water Day !