Does lasting, healthy beauty really exist? I can't wait to find out...

Hi friends!
We can all agree that true beauty goes beyond the superficial stuff to being a good person from the inside out and being the healthiest version of yourself. But no matter how much we know that, the world is obsessed with youth and looks.
As I get older, I find myself sucked into this cream, that cream, eat this or do that. All in search of the fountain of youth. Birthdays get harder and I can't even say out loud how old I am. It seems like a never ending cycle and short of drastic measures, the results are often the same.
You either age gracefully or resort to medical intervention.
I'm not sure what that answer is, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't something I pondered on occasion. For me it goes even beyond the wrinkles though, I want to feel my best no matter how old I get. Every day, I want to eat the rainbow of healthy clean foods, drink gallons of water, run with joy and cherish each yoga practice. I want to remember that growing old is a gift and embrace each year with gratitude. I want to feel healthy, vibrant and younger than I am.
I want my age to just be a number.
I am not alone. Looking for lasting, healthy beauty is something the world is obsessed with.
I recently learned about an exciting new show airing on Ovation called, Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty. Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty on Ovation explores beauty in ways far grander than youth and looks. It combines a couple of my true loves... discovering real, healthy beauty AND travel. In the show supermodel Rachel Hunter embarks on a global odyssey to discover the secrets of true beauty, great health and extraordinary long lives from around the world.
Does the secret to true beauty lie in the Greek Ikarian’s unique lifestyle, the joyful samba or the athletic capoeira of Brazil?
Is it the diet particular to the inhabitants of Hainan Island in China, where people seem to stay locked in time? Can Ancient Mayan superfoods, natural medicines, Indian Amla Oil, Chinese green tea, and Fiji’s production of coconut oil contribute to long-lasting beauty and health?
The show travels to my all-time dream vacation list: Australia, Japan, Mexico <-- been there, Fiji, Dubai, Greece, Korea, France, China, India, Morocco and Brazil <--- been there! I'm excited to watch it for that reason alone.
In last night's episode of Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty, she traveled to Japan where trends aren't followed, they're started.
Rachel looks back in time to the traditional beauty of Geishas and looks ahead at some of the cutting edge beauty technology in the country. She also explores how the Japanese diet can help keep a youthful appearance. You'll never believe how youthful and vibrant one 63-year-old "beauty witch" looks. She claims sumo wrestling helps her keep the blood flowing! Interesting to say the least.
One of my favorite quotes from the show that really embraces what it's all about is, "The connection and energy we feel off each other- that's where beauty exists."
Lasting beauty, great health and finding the secret to living an extraordinarily long life... it's something we all have a common interest in!
Make sure to watch Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty on Ovation TV Sunday nights at 8PM ET to explore some of the answers. I can't think of a more inspiring way to end the weekend and start off a new week.
Now here's the best part! You can enter to win a TRIP OF A LIFETIME to one of the 13 cities Rachel visits in her Tour of Beauty! How would you even choose? Australia? Dubai? Fiji? It makes my head spin. Make sure to enter the contest HERE and remember me if you win. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by today! Tomorrow I sharing reasons why you should rethink buying that next bottle of water.
I’m linking up with Marvelous Monday, Thinking Out Loud Thursday, Nicole for the Fit and Fashionable, Tara for Fashion Friday, Fashion Friday , Jolynne Shane for Fashion Friday, Turning Heads Tuesday and Bloggers Who Inspire Me. Thank you so much for the lovely linkup ladies.
Your turn!
What do you define as real beauty?
Where would you go if won the contest?
Ordinary says
I have found that people who don't stress a lot live much more happily and longer. They seem not to take care of what others say but they do take care of others. They don't hold grudges for long. They lead a particularly simple life in both lifestyle, thought and actions. No complicated stuff.
JulieWunder says
Such a good observation! Thanks for the insight!
RFC says
I'll admit, I'm a total crunchy Vermont hippie. To me, beauty is on the inside. You can be a "supermodel" by our society's definition, with perfect skin, hair, teeth, etc....but have an absolutely ugly demeanor, personality, or soul. Therefore, I truly believe beauty is now how you present yourself physically, but more so how you treat others, the world around you, and yourself.
JulieWunder says
Such a true statement!!
Jessica @ Nutritioulicious says
I'm so much more aware of how old I look and feel since having kids, yet at times I still feel like a teenager and am amazed by how old I actually am when I see how old my nephews are! I really do believe age is just a number and it's all about how you live your life. I guess if I could travel the world I'd feel a lot younger too!
JulieWunder says
I feel like I'm still in my early 20's until I'm around people in their early 20's and I realize I'm soooo not anymore! haha! It's nice to have that wisdom 🙂
Amanda - RunToTheFinish says
So far I'm perfectly content with getting older because life has just gotten richer with every year...we'll see how I feel when I'm in my 60's but for now I'm excited to keep aging, I suppose the alternative is not so great 😉
JulieWunder says
So true 🙂 I'm glad I've learned all those lessons and feel much more secure these days!
jill conyers says
Lasting beauty is attainable depending on how you define beauty. The show sounds great.
JulieWunder says
So true. Beauty comes in so many forms.
Anne says
Maybe it's a cliche, but I think everyone is beautiful with a genuine smile on their face - I do think staying positive can both make us more beautiful and make us see others as more beautiful 🙂
JulieWunder says
So true! A smile really can make the difference.
glenneth says
Australia is definitely on my bucket list! i would choose to go there! we tend to forget that we are all so beautiful in our own way.
JulieWunder says
So true and we are all way to hard on ourselves. I think I'd choose Australia too.
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
I remember seeing a segment about this show on The Today Show a few weeks back. It looks so interesting!! I don't have cable, but I wonder if I could find it online...
JulieWunder says
I think it will be on youtube!
Jennifer @ Dashing in Style says
I went to a seminar a few years ago by Dr. Vonda Wright, a sports doctor here in Pittsburgh. She shared results on research her team did on how people age. She had proof that exercise--especially running and strength training!--helps people age gracefully. I know I'm a believer! Also, I had the opportunity to travel to Japan for work, and I'm pretty sure I know their secret--they always shade themselves from the sun! Everyone carries umbrellas. I also rarely go in the sun, and I still get carded at age 42. 🙂
JulieWunder says
Yes! All of us fitness fans are set then! Thanks for sharing that tidbit-- very interesting!
Mary Beth Jackson says
Age is just a number and I have a big one coming up! YIKES! This sounds like an interesting show! Where would I choose? Hard, but I will enter, you never know!
JulieWunder says
Just a number 🙂
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
Fiji sounds pretty good. But I've always wanted to go to Australia too.
I think beauty comes from confidence & happiness. It can't be bottled (which doesn't stop me from buying oils & makeup!).
JulieWunder says
I totally agree! It comes from within.
Becki S says
I've never heard of this show but it sounds like a good message and a fun way to kick off the week. It would be fun to get a group of women together to watch it and discuss.
JulieWunder says
I agree! So much to discuss!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician says
What a lovely post! I know exactly what you mean about birthdays getting harder, even though I know I shouldn't be bothered by a number. This sounds like a great idea for a TV show- I'll have to check it out. And in terms of where I'd go if I won, I'd say all of the above! 🙂
JulieWunder says
I hate that it bothers me. It's something that I work on 🙂 Hope you enjoy the show.
Alisa @ Go Dairy Free says
I am SO with you Julie! As someone who looked seriously young for most of her life (honestly, people thought I was a teenager even at 30) that switch turned on me one day and I aged like 20 years! Almost overnight I found myself fussing about my skin. Oh well, looks like I better tune into that show 🙂
JulieWunder says
I feel the same way. I looked like a baby until one day it hit-- the lines! bah!!!! I'm coming to terms 🙂
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
I think you know that I'm hoping to continue to age naturally! Yep, age is just a number! Love this!
JulieWunder says
You embrace is so well and prove that runners get better with age! You are a wonderful example!
Melissa says
Wow, interesting sounding show. That picture of you in the field with the flowers Wow! You are so naturally happy and beautiful!
JulieWunder says
You are too kind 🙂 Thank you.
Alicia Taylor says
If I won, I'm not sure where I'd go. Australia would be a priority. I've always wanted to see the Outback. What do I consider real beauty? That spark of special that shines from all of us, of course, but if you mean outward beauty - It's beauty derived from natural methods.
JulieWunder says
I love that! Such a good definition. Thanks for stopping by!
Michele says
I definitely define beauty as what shines out from within--no amount of creams or foods or anything else will shine like the inner goodness of the person.
JulieWunder says
I could not agree more. Thank you.
Blane Sherer says
Sounds like a really good show. I have not heard of it.
I think there is a balance between internal and external
beauty. They are both important. I do think there is a
huge emphasis placed on physical beauty but I'm not
one to overreact to discount it. I think the endearing
beautiful model Rachel Hunter is an excellent choice
for the show. You ,Julie, are a great spokesperson
for that as well. You have a wunderful inner beauty
and physical beauty that you share very well on your
blog. You are aging beautifully Julie. Thanks for telling
us about the show.
JulieWunder says
You are too kind. Thank you so much.
Runawaybridalplanner says
I have not heard of this show.
But I am glad you shared. What a wonderful concept.
Love the sunflower picture of you. That just says freedom and living life.
I agree age is just a number I don't live my life by numbers. I live it how I feel and how I want, not by how old I a.m
JulieWunder says
I could not agree more! And thank you 🙂
Rachel @ says
I can't believe I haven't heard of this show!! I will have to tune in ASAP!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Rachel! I hope you enjoy it.
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says
I need to check out this show! The description you gave kind of reminds me of a (much) less crude health and beauty version of the Anthony Bourdain shows. Very cool.
JulieWunder says
Yes! Without as much food too. I got a sneak peak and really enjoyed it. Going over to check out the birth story 🙂 So happy for you.
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner says
I have not heard of that show but how interesting! Seems like a great idea for a series.
JulieWunder says
I thought so too! I got a sneak peak and really enjoyed it.
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
I think you are the perfect person to speak on behalf of this movement. You really do embrace what is truly beautiful, genuine, and unique in the world, and I thank you for sharing that with us!
JulieWunder says
Thank you Susie! You are too kind 🙂
lacey@fairytalesandfitness says
Wow! I never heard of this show. Watching it would just make me jealous of all the places she is able to travel. Figi would be awesome to visit. But really any of those places would be. So much to see, so little time!
JulieWunder says
Wouldn't it? One day! I know I feel that way about travel-- there is never enough time.
LIz Mays says
I think it would be utterly fascinating to see all the beauty tips and tricks around the world. I'll have to tune in for sure!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Liz! It's a good show!
Carl says
Hello Julie, wow everything about your blog is beautiful. Its really precious to see how people can find beauty in the most simplest of things 🙂
JulieWunder says
Thank you so much! That means so much to me.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
I feel real beauty comes from within. I don't equate beauty with age. While age is a number, once in a while bigger milestones serve as a reminder that the clock is ticking down.
JulieWunder says
So true! Age is really just the number.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy says
I love this! Beauty means something so different to everyone.
I must admit, I do use more creams since turning 30 haha.
JulieWunder says
Oh yes! It gets even worse in a few years. Not sure any of it actually makes a difference- haha!
Maureen Campaiola says
Growing old is a gift and I think many have lost sight of this. Our society puts too much emphasis on external beauty, hence why we have so many confused young women in the world.
JulieWunder says
So true! I've sadly lost some people really close to me and I'm reminded of that constantly. We need to be examples to our girls!
Koninika says
That's a beautiful post! There, I define beauty is as something pleasant and endearing and kind and lovely! External beauty doesn't even come close to it yet is pleasing to the eye so it's not unimportant totally! Loved your thoughts!
JulieWunder says
Thank you so much. I could not agree more.