My Grandmother's Chocolate Chip Cookies are legendary.
Ask anyone in my family what they want when they go to Dayton to visit Grandma and they’ll tell you… her famous chocolate chip cookies!
These are simply Wunderful. I promise.
When I was younger, My Grandmother would mail these cookies to Florida on special occasions. My Brother and I used to divide them and ration them out to last as long as possible. We knew these cookies were special. They are the kind of treat that you can taste the love baked into them.
It seems like every family has a recipe that must be handed down to younger generations. This is the recipe for the Wunder clan.
This past December I went to Dayton to visit my Grandparents and while I was there I asked my Grandmother to show me step by step how she makes her famous cookies.
I was determined to learn all of her tricks. I wanted mine to turn out as close to hers as possible.
She was happy to pass down her secrets and first showed me how to cream the butter.
And how she uses half light and half dark brown sugar in her baking.
She also showed me how she sifts the baking powder into the flour.
AND to use a mini ice cream scoop to keep the cookies the same size so they will cook uniformly.
I copied her recipe on my own card and made notes on how she put everything together. I knew I couldn’t make them taste exactly like Grandma’s, but I might be able to get pretty close.
Jumping ahead to last week where I finally have a good reason to make my own batch of cookies, my nephew's birth! I decide to make some to take to my Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law in Columbia.
I get out my super fancy and cool mixer from my Dad. I feel like a real baker with this thing!
I follow all of her instructions and I even sift my flour and baking soda.
I carefully blend the sugar and butter.
Then I add the eggs and vanilla.
And the secret ingredient… OATMEAL!
Grandma says to add the oatmeal before the flour so it can soften and absorb some of the liquid.
I slowly add the flour and chocolate chips.
And VOILA! Cookie dough!
Lucky for me, I magically got one of these mini ice cream scoopers in my stocking this year. Santa must have known about my cookie mission. Santa is cool like that.
I use the scooper to fill 3 pans with cookies, 3 times!
I bake them according to her directions, switching the shelves the cookies are on halfway through.
I am so excited and nervous to taste them, because I want them so badly to taste like Grandma’s.
And you know what? They did!
I know I’ll never be able to make them EXACTLY like Grandma… but these are pretty darn close.
I hope you will try these yourself and enjoy them as much as my family does!

Grandma Wunder's Famous Chocolate Chip Cookies
- 1 large stick butter flavored Crisco, 1 cup
- 1 stick real butter
- ¾ firmly packed brown sager, half light, half dark
- 1 ½ cup white sugar
- 3 large eggs
- 1 tablespoon vanilla
- 3 ½ cups flour
- 1 ½ teaspoon baking soda
- 1 ½ teaspoon salt
- 2 cups oatmeal
- 1 ½ packages chocolate chips, 3 cups
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees
- Soften and blend the butter and Crisco.
- Cream butter and Crisco with brown sugar and white sugar
- Add vanilla & eggs and allow to blend
- Add oatmeal to mixer and allow to sit for a minute
- Sift baking soda and salt into the flour
- Add flour mixture to the blender slowly
- Add chocolate chips!
- Use mini ice cream scoop to put cookies on an ungreased cookie sheet.
- Put in oven and bake for 5 minutes. Switch the oven racks.
- Finish baking for another 3-5 minutes. My oven takes a total of 8 minutes baking time.
- Pull the cookies out BEFORE they look too brown on top. They finish quickly so watch them!
Your turn!
Do you have any “family” recipes? If so, feel free to share below!
Sue Harris says
What a wonderful way to honor your grandmother and to keep her memory alive.
Melanie Klinge says
I loved reading this! It brought back so many memories of my grandmothers teaching me their recipe secrets. I wouldn't trade them for anything! 🙂
JulieWunder says
Me either! I hope I get to learn more of her tricks.
Debbie Shelton says
I know this a silly question,and I should probably know this already.When you talk about switching the oven racks, do you do top to bottom..bottom to top,or does it make a difference? How many pans of cookies do you bake at a time?
JulieWunder says
I baked 2 cookie sheets at a time. I put one on bottom and one on the top... then just switched the top and bottome 🙂 My Grandmother is a cookie perfectionist!
Debbie Shelton says
Thank you!!!
Madeline St Onge says
Thanks for shareing Julie going to try them
Stacie @ SimplySouthernStacie says
Thank you for sharing! I'm always looking for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. I love that the hidden ingredient is oatmeal! I would have never guessed.
Danielle Belonzi says
Dan and I loved them! I'm going to try to make them myself...or you could drop some off in PA?
Diane norris says
They were delicious !! Thanks fir sharing ❤️
Rachael Wunder Evans says
Good Job Julie. I can't believe you did so well on your first try. I have been making them for years and still never quite as good as Grandma:)