Sweet Watermelon, plump berries and fresh mint shine in my Watermelon Popsicles Recipe!
Hi friends! Happy Thursday.
This is my 500th blog post on Running in a Skirt! Kind of exciting huh? I've come a LONG way since that first post announcing I was running the Chicago Marathon AND starting a blog almost three years ago. My how times change, yet everything stays the same. 🙂 Thank you'all for stinking with me.
Moving onto the topic of the day... yummy and homemade popsicles.
One of my favorite parts of summer is all the fresh fruit and frozen desserts like popsicles.
I decided to combine two of my favorite summer foods in my watermelon popsicles recipe.
Making your own popsicles is so simple. Just pick up an inexpensive Popsicle Molds. I like this one HERE.
Mix your fruit up in blender, just like a smoothie and pour into the molds.
Let them sit overnight and enjoy the next day!
My only trick is to run the popsicles under hot water for just a minute before you try to pull it out of the most. That loosens it up a bit.
Simple and delicious! And the perfect way to embrace these last few weeks of my favorite season.

Watermelon Mint Popsicles
- 2 cups watermelon, roughly chopped
- 2 tablespoons mint
- ½ lime, juiced
- ¼ cup blueberries
- Put watermelon, mint and lime juice in a blender.
- Pour watermelon 1 inch of watermelon mixture in molds. Carefully place the blueberrys on top. Slowly add more of the watermelon mixture. Layer in more blueberries. Repeat until molds are full.
- Add the top.
- Freeze overnight.
- To remove run under warm water for 30 seconds.
Thanks for stopping by today! It's Fashion Friday tomorrow and I'm sharing a great new outfit I found at the outlet mall. You can also find out how to help me win a contest 🙂 Hope to see you then.
Your turn!
Have you ever made popsicles?
Are you a summer or fall person?
Miz Helen says
I will love this treat! Thanks so much for sharing this awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great day and come back soon!
Miz Helen
Dr. Jennifer Weinberg MD MPH MBE says
I saw your link on Meatless Mondays and am glad to have found your blog! These look like such a refreshing and delicious combination of flavors for these hot August days. Pinned to share. Thank you!
JulieWunder says
Thank you! I hope you enjoy it. Great to see you today.
Pragati // Simple Medicine says
These are so pretty! Plus, they sound delicious and refreshing. I need something refreshing..it's soo hot in Florida!
JulieWunder says
Thank you!! I was in Orlando for a day on our way to the Bahamas and WOW!I forget how hot it gets this time of year! Good luck!
Lisa @ RunWiki says
This is a great way to use up both watermelon and blueberries that are going to go south if you don't use them. I swear my kids will eat anything that's pureed and frozen into a pop. Beautiful!
Katie @ Gettin' My Healthy On says
Fruit-filled popsicles like this recipe are always so pretty! We've got so much mint growing in our backyard, and I LOVE the idea of throwing them in a popsicle concoction. Looks refreshing!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Katie! Mint just takes off!
Beth @ Running with the Sunrise says
Julie, these look phenomenal! They make me want to go out and buy a popsicle set. 🙂 Love that they're really healthy, too. And congratulations on writing your 500th post--such an accomplishment!
JulieWunder says
Thank you so much Beth! I just got mine and it was a great buy!
Dan says
Julie , when do you put the salt in ? lol 🙂
JulieWunder says
Haha! Anytime you want 🙂
Sam @ PancakeWarriors says
Im coming over for popsicles!! Watermelon and I are best buds, can't go more than a few days without it!!
JulieWunder says
Come on over! They are so tasty!
Farrah says
Congrats on 500 posts! 😀 That's awesome!
These popsicles look so refreshing! <3 Can't wait to try em' out!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Farrah! I hope you enjoy them.
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes says
Wow! congrats on 500 posts! That's pretty impressive! These sound great and my boys would love them! I have some popsicle molds that are screaming for me to use them!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Sue!! They are tasty!
Lauren @ ihadabiglunch says
i need to get some popsicle molds! These are awesome. I actually just bought some mint yesterday so this is perfect. So summery! Have a great weekend 🙂
JulieWunder says
Thanks Lauren! I hope you enjoy it.
Annmarie says
My kids would be all over these! Need to give them a try 🙂 Thanks for linking up!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Annmarie! So yummy!
Jess @hellotofit says
CONGRATS on the big 5-0-0!
I'm more of a summer person, but I LOVE the fall transition. When it starts to get too cold, I'm out.
JulieWunder says
Me too! I'm trying to enjoy as much of the heat as possible.
Dani @ Dani California Cooks says
What a great idea combining watermelon and mint!! I love those flavors.
JulieWunder says
Me too! Thanks Dani!
Annette @ Sweating Through Life says
500th blog!!! Nice job!! Isn't it cool to look back at how far you've come? That's actually why I enjoy blogging so much, and I've only been doing it for less than a year!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Annette! It is cool. I even look at the past years progress and am amazed.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
Yum perfect for summer! Loving watermelon right now
JulieWunder says
Me too! Can't get enough!
Lo @ Travel the Unbeaten Path says
I have those same popsicle thingies, and use it to freeze homemade baby food (which I sometimes end up having as a Popsicle myself!). I hadn't tried watermelon yet, it sounds delicious!
JulieWunder says
What a great idea! Perfect for the baby or you!
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says
I love watermelon everything. These look amazing!
JulieWunder says
Thanks Morgan!!
Jaime says
I made popsicles for L and his friends last summer. This recipe looks so yummy! I'll have to try it, for sure.
JulieWunder says
How much fun!!!
Blane Sherer says
Woo hoo !! 500 blogs and almost 3 years . Going Strong !
Yeah, I used to make popsickles with my mom growing up and then I made them with my children when they were growing up. My grandson had his first popsickle last night ! How Kool !
JulieWunder says
Yay! Thank you!
They are so much fun and so summery!
Stacie @ SimplySouthernStacie says
These are so pretty! I love the combo of watermelon and blueberry.
JulieWunder says
Thanks Stacie!
Dan Steadman says
looks great for after soccer!!!! put me down as a fall person...changing leaves, cooler air...love it
JulieWunder says
Perfect! I swear I'm seeing some yellow leaves in Asheville already. It's coming..... 🙂
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
Where were these for the 4th of July! What a great way to cool off!
JulieWunder says
Totally! I'll have to repost them for the 4th next year!
Heather @Fitncookies says
I need to get my hands on some popsicle sticks! These look delicious. I'm all about any popsicles or refreshing cold dessert right now!
JulieWunder says
Me too! So yummy. I'm not ready to give up on summer yet.