Hi guys! I had to go back and count twice but this week SIX of social distancing for us. On one hand, this all still feels crazy and unbelievable but on the other hand, we've kind of settled into the new normal.
I'm trying to find a nice balance on the blog of staying positive and not dwelling on the obvious negative things happening in the world but also recognizing that this is HARD. I want you to know that if you are struggling with everything, we are too but we are doing our best to make the situation better in ways that we can. We have good and bad days.
Nothing super exciting happened this week. We were supposed to be on our beach trip to Watercolor, Florida to celebrate the end of tax season but obviously stayed home. I know I'm not the only one who has missed trips right now, so I've tried not to linger on missing the beach this week.
We did a few things to help ourselves feel better about missing the trip. We decided to treat ourselves to some nicer meals and takeout two extra times for a little pick-me-up for missing the trip, which helped soften the blow a bit. We also placed an order with our local nursery for pick up and have all sorts of pretty summer flowers to enjoy.
It's not much but it helped!
The boys have been teething all week and been super fussy and cranky. I think we might have seven or eight teeth coming in between them.
Luckily they are still cute. 🙂
I'm afraid I'm going to have to learn how to cut their hair! Does anyone have any advice?
The weather has been hit or miss with it generally being cooler.
The Hubs took a little extra time off to help me on a few walks. This stroller is getting crazy heavy to push around our super hilly neighborhood.
One of the rainy days we opened up the boy's Easter present from their Grandma. The boys LOVED the easel.
Of course, they thought it was some sort of climbing toy though. 🙂
We also got them this cute golf set this week. Does anyone have any recommendations for good toddler outdoor toys?
Another highlight was continuing to play Easter egg hunt outside. I'd restuff the eggs with the toys and yogurt bites and they'd search for them all over again. We had way too much fun doing that!
I'll leave you with this cute one. The boys love to use the handmade blankets their Great Aunt Judy made for them as capes. I know she reads this so I thought she'd get a kick out of seeing them still enjoying them. I hope you do too!
That's all for this week! I'm hoping to do lots of planting this weekend and I'm seriously hoping the boys teething pain passes soon.
Your turn!
How has your week gone?
Have you had to cancel a trip?
Natalie Stiles says
Such cuties!!! Look at growing minds on the ASAP website. Tons of ideas for gardening and such with preschoolers. Book ideas, crafts, and such! Lots of fun!
Judy Rosenberger says
They are always so cute to see. Yes I got a kick out of seeing them with their blankets. Thanks for that picture it was extra special. Love your little guys. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Beth Dermid says
I think I have told you before that I am a early retired pediatric hygienist. Frozen fruit is GREAT for teething. If you give them teething rings, just give them from the fridge - not freezer. You can give tylenol every for hours and Motrin every six. Motrin is good for he swelling. Cold hard things: bananas, grapes, berries. Als have you thought of a tent for outside? They can call lay with all their treasures inside. My kids loved their tent!!! Good luck and stay safe. We were supposed to be on a trip too but I just try to do a little more planning and look forward to the time. Blessed and grateful💕
JulieWunder says
I'm going to try frozen fruit when they get up from their nap! Thank you!
Ann Gardner says
Hi Julie. You don't know how much I look forward to Fri and seeing those sweet boys. Yes I had to.cancel a trip to Michigan. My brother is 86 and I haven't seen him in 2 years. Was looking forward to seeing all my Michigan relatives. You know when I had my in home daycare the kids loved anything they could ride on or push. I had a sandbox but toddlers tend to start throwing the sand. Blessings.
JulieWunder says
The boys love to push stuff! I think I'm skipping the sandbox. I can already seeing them throwing it. We did get them a water table though. Sorry about your trip! Such a bummer.