Hi everyone! After almost a month, we are finally done with the flu! I'm so glad to have that behind us and feeling better. It's the sickest we have been in a very long time, and I'm grateful for our health. I know so many people are sick right now, so I'm sending healthy prayers your way, too.
We finally celebrated feeling better by going to Vinnie's for dinner with the boys. They hadn't been before and they loved it.
Such a fabulous local restaurant!
We also celebrated by enjoying a few warm days this week and playing with our neighbors outside. Sunshine and 70 degrees in February is good for the soul.
The boys also spent some time this week playing basketball.
Grandpa Nick got them this for Christmas, and they are loving it. I'm hoping to get them interested in playing next year.
We also start baseball again in a few weeks. We got our gear ready to play!
And finally, the boys have been so excited about the Vocabulary Parade at school this week. They got to dress up as a vocabulary word for a parade.
Jackson is a knight for the word "valiant."
And Hunter is "precipitation."
It was so cute because they were so excited to dress up!
That's all for this week! I'm looking forward to a healthy weekend for the family!
I hope y'all had a nice week, too.
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